SEO Audit Videos, Delivered Within 5 Days | Schleicher Marketing

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SEO Video Audits

Once-off deep-dive SEO audits to uncover the most critical SEO issues affecting your business–and how to fix them.

Heading into 2023, our team noticed the need for for an affordable Technical SEO Audit solution that would serve businesses of all types and sizes. You know, the high level of SEO expertise typically reserved for big brands (like our clients).

Our solution?

Once-off deep-dive SEO audits and actionable recommendations, recorded on video. 15 minutes in length, our video audits provide an inside look at our proprietary Technical SEO Audit process, leaning on screen-recording, our nearly 2 decades of experience working with some of the most reputable brands out there; and best-in-class SEO tools and software to uncover the most critical SEO issues that are affecting your business–and how to fix them.

The cost?

The purpose of this offering is to serve as many businesses as possible, especially those that would otherwise not have access to the high level of SEO expertise our clients have benefitted from over the last 17 years.

For a limited time, we’re offering personalized Technical SEO Audit videos for just $90.

Tailored for your website. Delivered within 5 days.


How We Support Brands

The team at Schleicher Marketing has spent the last 16+ years leading the SEO, paid search, and ecommerce strategies for some of the largest brands on earth. We have supported businesses in areas most SEOs would not come near, like identifying new product opportunities, catalog naming conventions, competitor acquisitions, site architecture overhauls, redesigns, brand storytelling, projects to boost recruitment efforts, and more. 

We’ve managed on-site SEO, technical audits, content strategies, international domain strategies, and multi-site migration projects, just to name a few.

We’ve supported businesses of all sizes and across many industries–from startups to household names. CPGs, lifestyle brands, ecommerce, SaaS, B2B, D2C, and more. 

We've designed growth strategies that lead to and through successful acquisitions and dispos. High M&A intent corporations are looking for growing businesses with the clean technical CRO and SEO foundation we establish for our brands.

As our brand partners will share, we are NOT your typical SEO or marketing agency.